Ocean Institute Jazz 2022 LIVE AUCTION WINNER Announced
The Breck Rothage Fine Art Studio is proud to announce Watercolor Wall raised $4,250 for The Ocean Institute during their Jazz 2022 fundraising gala on March 25, 2022 in support of the Institute's marine and maritime educational programs. Part of the evenings LIVE AUCTION, Watercolor Wall sized to 6 ft. x 3 ft. was part of a raucous bid, overseen by auctioneer Christopher Aslanian. The artist, Breck Rothage, was even called up on the fly to talk about Watercolor Wall during the bidding.
The Breck Rothage Fine Art Studio is always pleased to help local charities raise funds during live auctions. To learn how we can support your next event, send an email to: Studio@BreckRothage.com

The Ocean Institute Jazz 2022 Gala with Breck Rothage Fine Art

ART EXPERIENCE: Watercolor Wall
Watercolor Wall was created purely in-camera – exclusively using artistic motion and light – rather than relying on post processing tools such as Photoshop.
For this technique to work, the ambient light and motion of the wave must come together with precision to bring out the true colors of the water, the powerful motion of the waves, and the beauty of the sea spray as it wisps across the crest of the barrel.

ART EXPERIENCE: Aquaflow Silvertone

ART EXPERIENCE: Breck's Wave Center Cut

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