Show Guide to Festival of the Arts Laguna Beach 2022 – The Breck Rothage Fine Art Studio
Your information guide to Festival of the Arts Laguna Beach 2022. Get a map of the 2022 venue layout, plus step-by-step instructions on locating SEA GEM, the latest ocean fine art debut by Breck Rothage.

Over $5,000 of fine art will be given away by the Breck Rothage Fine Art Studio during Festival of the Arts, including for the first time ever – Sea Gem at 4 ft. x 32 in., with fine art infused to high-quality aluminum canvas — smoother than glass.

Ticket Winners Announced - Festival of the Arts, Laguna Beach 2022
These lucky winners will each receive two tickets to the PRIVATE, INVITATION ONLY, OPENING NIGHT of Festival of the Arts in Laguna Beach. You can't buy these tickets anywhere. Find out if you've won!
If you didn't win, don't fret. I'm about to announce the BIGGEST giveaway in my professional career. Stay tuned for my next announcement, it's a gem!

Win Two Tickets to Opening Night - 2022 Festival of the Arts Laguna
Tickets to the hottest fine art event in Laguna Beach cannot be purchased anywhere. The only way to get in is to be invited by a participating artist. As a thank you for supporting his work over the years, Breck Rothage is hosting a giveaway for two tickets to the PRIVATE opening night of Festival of the Arts Laguna Beach on July 2, 2022.
Enter to win now!

Breck's Iconic Fine Art Signature
The iconic heritage of Breck's signature is unique. The flow of every lettered line is art in itself. Every fine art piece by Breck Rothage includes a hand-placed signature by the artist, authenticating it as an official piece from The Breck Rothage Fine Art Studio.
Whatever fine art you choose, the signature will be easily readable and visible as you share the story of the artwork on your wall with family, friends, and colleagues.

Mother's Day Gift with Purchase - Breck's Latest Collection Debut
Gift with Purchase - Purchase any work of any size from The Essence Collection and get your choice of 18 in. x 12 in. fine artwork by Breck Rothage on aluminum canvas FREE with purchase. Use Code "OceanMoms" at checkout.
You've Come to The Right Place
BreckRothage.com is the only authorized website for sales of fine art created by Breck Rothage.